Information acc. to section 5 TMG
BTT Health GmbH
Beurer Str. 25a
D-86926 Greifenberg
Managing Director: Ivo Simundic
Tel.: +49 8192 998 26 06
Register entry
Entry in Handelsregister
Register Number: HRB 186346 I Ust-ID DE277526114
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• agentur von kessselstatt: Sabine von Kesselstatt
• shutterstock: 181678889, 181682525 Point FR
• fotolia: 113465596 Robert Kneschke | 192486433, 198003709 chika_milan | 182527284 vladimirfloyd | 157444087, 212193446 | 242865396 nerthuz | 231910595 jeffy1139 | 128396437, 128396472, 128463659 crevis | 125089107 Coloures-Pic | 172832569 Pikselstock | 198204201 Monkey Business | 129937988 feancis bonami | 116987186 Jaren Wicklund | 28326634, 29326773 Ambrophoto | 219920129 Rober Kneschke | 104206457 lithian | 36588870 detailblick-foto | 51683622 hannamonika | 32383072 tsuneomp
• Pixabay: skeeze Pixabay | Gert Altmann Pixabay
• SEM bone, rotten trabeculae (osteoporosis), SEM of osteoporotic bone, SEM bone, David Gregory & Debbie Marshall. CC BY